25 March 2008

It has been a while

Sorry about the lack of info in the last few weeks. We have been busy traveling. PeanutButter went down to Texas for South by Southwest. What a long week. Up at 9am every day for work and never to bed before 4am. It is hard to believe that I used to be able to do that for a month straight.

Anyway here is a list of awesome bands I saw during the week. I suggest you check them out on myspace and stuff. I did see a whole lot more, but as you may know there is a lot of nonsense that shows up down there. My suggestions to you are...

Black Mountain
Bon Iver
Russian Circles
Langhorn Slim and the War Eagles
The Sword
Heloise and the Savoifair
she and him
Brian Scary and the......
Mason Jennings

Here are some photos.

PeanutButter, lookin good.

A Cool Eazy-E Bag. You can get one from the Austin Craft Mafia.

Langhorn Slim and the War Eagles.

Johnny Rad of Children shreds his axe.

The Sword plays heavy metal.

Yes they are bad and taste like ass.

A handsome Malachai De Lorenzo of the War Eagles and Jeff from Kemado

Punks in Love, throwin down.


Anonymous said...

i love punks in love!

besos y fotos: the virtual sketchbook said...

glad to have you back blogging.

now, if we could see each other in real life...would be like gza and lou reed bro down style!